Legal Notice
It is hereby declared that the information, and any part thereof, contained in CAMERICH’s official website shall not be re-edited, duplicated, reproduced or plagiarized unless permitted by the applicable laws and regulations or with the consent of the Company, nor used for any commercial purpose other than those as approved by the Company. Any infringement upon our intellectual property rights, for example, our copyright, etc. is subject to investigation into the legal liabilities according to law.
Beijing Triumph Furniture Co., Ltd.
We reserve the right to take legal actions against all websites that sell CAMERICH products without our authorization, or any entity or individual who manufactures or sells fake CAMERICH products.
CAMERICH maintains a global marketing network with over 100 stores, covering Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. For more information about CAMERICH products and locationss of its authorized stores, please visit our official website: